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Tanah Dijual Lokasi Strategis Di Seminyak Bali | Tanah/Kavling Dijual | Apartemen Jakarta
Property Details
Unit Name
1,400 Sqm
Type Name
Luas Unit
Unit Name
1,400 Sqm
This land is for sale covering an area of ​​14 acres, ownership status of SHM, strategic location right behind Warung Made Seminyak Bali, surrounded by villa areas. Suitable for building villas

The Seminyak area of ​​Bali is a favorite area for local and foreign tourists, there are many restaurants serving Asian and continental food, there are many various shops, cafes and bars.

For further information and survey schedule, please contact us. And if you are not interested in this unit, we are ready to help you find a property that matches your need.

And if you, as the owner, have a property that you want to market, we are willing to help market your properties. Thank you

Unit Name
1,400 Sqm
Tanah/Kavling Dijual Plot For Sale In Strategic Location At Seminyak Bali
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